Monthly Archives: February 2016

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Proposed Amendment To The Constitution – 2016

Be it resolved that Section 6 (g), which reads:
(g) That every fortieth (40th) foal registered shall be selected for random DNA testing to verify parentage and that the recorded owner(s) of the stallion, mare and foal shall agree to permit such DNA genotyping for parentage verification of their animals. Failure of an owner to comply with this regulation shall automatically place the Certificate of Registration for this foal under suspension. The DNA genotyping for parentage verification shall be at the Society’s expense and the Society and Canadian Livestock Records Corporation shall keep the records, with a copy to the recorded owner(s).

(g) As a condition of registration, the results of DNA Parentage Verification for all foals must be on file with Canadian Livestock Records Corporation.

The value of DNA and eventually having all Welsh Ponies and Cobs DNA’d, has been discussed for years. That goal will be accomplished with all foals being DNA’d prior to registration. With all foals being DNA’d, there is no longer a need for every 40th foal to be DNA’d.

Proposed by: Brian Donegan
Seconded by: Duane Stewart

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Proposed Amendment To The Constitution – 2016

Be it resolved that Section 6 (e), which reads:
(e) Foals shall not be registered unless the stallion service report is on file at the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation, Ottawa, without the approval of the Board of Directors.

(e) Foals shall not be registered unless the stallion service report is on file at the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation, Ottawa. In the event the report is not available, the Board of Directors may approve the registration.

“…without the approval of the Board of Directors.” strongly suggests that the Board has a direct role in registrations, which is not permissible, therefore this has been removed and a new sentence added.
Proposed by: Mary Cork
Seconded by: Brenda Harder

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Proposed Amendments To The Constitution – 2016

Be it resolved that Section 3 (c ) which reads:
(c) Subject to Article 19 – Sec. 2(a), preceding, ponies or Cobs are eligible for registration if they are already registered in the Stud Book of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society (Great Britain), or the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America, Inc.. Section A and Section B ponies registered in the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia Stud Book will be accepted provided they are directly descended in all lines of pedigree from ponies registered in the Stud Book of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society (Great Britain). Section C and Section D Cobs will not be accepted. Imported Welsh ponies and Cobs shall be granted Canadian Registration only according to the Rules of Eligibility stated in Article 19 which are in effect at the time of the application for registration.

Section 3 (c) Subject to Article 19 – Sec. 2(a), preceding, ponies or Cobs are eligible for registration if they are already registered in the Stud Book of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society (Great Britain), or the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America, Inc.. Section A and Section B ponies registered in the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia Stud Book will be accepted provided they are directly descended in all lines of pedigree from ponies registered in the Stud Book of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society (Great Britain). Section C and Section D Cobs will not be accepted. Welsh ponies and Cobs, Imported from other countries shall be eligible for Canadian Registration provided they conform to the requirements of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society (Great Britain) International Register or International Acceptable requirements and only according to the Rules of Eligibility stated in Article 19 which are in effect at the time of the application for registration.

The wording in the current section ( c) only allows for the registration of animals from Great Britain or USA. We have recently had animals imported from other countries that we are not able to accept.
The definition of I.A. and I.R., as provided by WPCS – Great Britain is as follows:
I.A. – is International Acceptable meaning that they go back to correctly exported animals however, either one or both the parents are registered with an overseas organization, but not with WPCS.

I.R. is International Register which means that both the parents are registered with the Society either as a Welsh mare/stallion or as an IA mare/stallion.

Proposed by: Mary Cork
Seconded by: Brenda Harder

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2016 Annual General Meeting

The 38th WPCSC Annual General Meeting will be held on April 8, 9, & 10, 2016 at the Four Points by Sheraton, Toronto Airport. Bring your farm albums and come out to socialize with other members and discuss important topics surrounding the Society.