Judges’ Training Program
1. Any WPCSC current member who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older and holds a judges’ card for any equine breed, has been breeding Welsh Ponies or Cobs for a minimum of five (5) years, or has shown Welsh ponies or Cobs at a minimum of six (6) shows offering exclusive Welsh breed classes may enroll in the program. Any exceptions must be approved by the WPCSC Officials Committee.
WPCSA Approved judges, EC Recorded or Senior Welsh Judges and USEF Recorded or Registered Welsh Judges will automatically be granted a WPCSC Judges Card for both Halter and Performance, unless restrictions apply, and do not need to go through the Judges Training Program, provided their WPCSC membership is current and an application form is completed. WPCS (UK) judges will automatically be granted a WPCSC Judges Card for Halter and Ridden Welsh Classic only. Final approval will only be granted upon receiving a score of no less than 85% on the written exam.
2. The program is to be completed in two (2) consecutive calendar years or less. Any delays must be approved by the WPCSC Officials Committee.
Resources for the Program:
- Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Canada Show Rules
- “Introduction to Welsh Ponies and Cobs” by Dr. Wynne Davies, MBE
- “Conformation of Welsh Ponies and Cobs” published. by Welsh Pony and Cob Society (Wales)
- A Video of Welsh Ponies and Cobs available from WPCSC office
The Program:
1. Candidate applying for the program must include references from three (3) WPCSC Members who are familiar with the applicants suitability to judge and who are unrelated to the Candidate (by blood or by marriage). If Candidate has past judging experience, a list of shows that Candidate has officiated at is required.
2. Candidate may apply for Halter Judging status only.
3. Candidate is to Learner Judge Welsh Halter classes at a minimum of three (3) Approved* shows offering exclusive Welsh Halter Breeding classes under a properly carded or approved Welsh judge from Wales/United Kingdom, USA or Canada. Learner Judging can be done in Canada, the United States or the UK.
4. If Candidate is interesting in apply for Performance Judges status, they must Learner Judge Performance classes (e.g. Hunter, English Pleasure, Driving, Western Pleasure) at a minimum of two (2) shows under a properly carded or approved judges from Canada or the US only. (Performance classes and Welsh Halter classes may be judged at the same show to fulfill judging requirements). Learner Judging can be done in Canada or the United States only.
5. If Candidate is interesting in apply for Ridden Welsh Classic Judges status, they must Learner Judge Ridden Welsh Classic classes (e.g. C/D and A/B) at a minimum of one (1) show under a properly carded or approved Ridden Welsh Classic judges from Canada, US or UK. Learner Judging can be done in Canada, United States or UK. As well, Candidate will be required to attend a Ridden Welsh Classic clinic , view the Ridden Welsh Classic video provided by the WPCSC Judging Committee and review the Ridden Welsh Classic class outline.
6. All breeding sections must be judged at each show (Section A, Section B and Section C/D). In each show, there must be at least three individual animals shown representing each Section. If sufficient animals are not presented to fulfill the requirements, the candidate must add other shows to meet this criterion.
7. After each show, the Senior Judge will be asked to file a report on a form provided by the WPCSC rating the Candidate on knowledge, ring presence, courtesy, etc. Reports are to be forwarded by the Senior judge to the WPCSC Officials Committee.
Note: The forms for these reports are to be presented to the Senior Judge by the Candidate with the names, dates and classes judged already correctly filled in. They are available from the office.
8. After each show, the Candidate will file a report stating what they gained from the experience, asking any questions that they may have, and making any comments they wishes on the show and the animals presented. This report is to be forwarded to the WPCSC Officials Committee.
9. Candidates are required to attend at least one (1) Approved* Welsh Judges Clinic. Other Performance Judges’ Clinics are strongly encouraged but are at the discretion of the Candidate.
10. The Candidate will be required to write an open book exam after all the above reports are filed. This will include questions regarding Welsh movement and type based on information from the reference books and video, judging tasks based on photos or sketches and questions regarding WPCSC rules. The Candidate must achieve 85% or greater in order to qualify.
Administration of the Program:
- The program will be administered by the WPCSC Officials Committee on behalf of the Board. It will be up to the Committee to select suitable persons to prepare the Report Forms and the final examination, read and rate the reports and arrange for marking of the final exam.
- The Committee may call on members and non members for assistance, but all reports and examinations are to be carefully checked by at least two (2) of the Committee Members for suitability of material, clarity and validity.
Candidate should achieve a proficiency of 85% on the written exam and the Judge’s reports, indicating an acceptable performance in order to complete the program. Tests will be marked by at least two (2) members of the WPCSC Officials Committee.
Membership Requirements for all WPCSC Judges:
All WPCSC Judges must be paid up Annual or Life members of the WPCSC. Membership renewal is due by February 1st of each calendar year and failure to renew by this date will render the Judges card inactive. If membership remains inactive for one year, the Judge’s name will be removed from the roster and they will need to reapply to be reinstated.
Continuing Education:
WPCSC Judges are encouraged to attend Judges’ Clinics whenever possible. Judges will be required to attend an Approved* Welsh Judging clinic and/or judge at least one (1) Welsh Pony Show every three (3) years in order to maintain their WPCSC Judges Card. A WPCSC Judges written exam must also be completed every three (3) and a score of 85% or greater must be achieved.
The costs of the program will be born by the Candidate. The Candidate is required to obtain their own copies of the resource books and video.
Judges Evaluations:
All WPCSC shows and/or WPCSC Regional Welsh Association/Society show committees are encouraged to complete a Judges Evaluation Form and forward this form to the WPCSC Office at the conclusion of the show. The form evaluates an individual’s performance judging both breed and performance classes. Any WPCSC carded judge who consistently receives poor evaluations by exhibitors and/or show committees will either be give a hearing before the WPCSC Executive or receive feedback from the WPCSC Executive on what areas of their judging or conduct may need improving. Other action may also be taken. Judges Evaluation Forms can be requested from the WPCSC National Office.
Note: Applications, questions and enquiries will be dealt with by the WPCSC Officials Committee or, at their request, by the Executive or the Board as a whole.
*Approved herein means approved by the WPCSC Officials Committee.
The WPCSC Officials Committee is a Committee comprised WPCSC Members, at least one of which is a current carded WPCSC Judge, and who is appointed annually by the Executive of the WPCSC.
Please submit all Reports and inquiries to:
119 Perry St, Unit 3B
Port Perry, Ontario, L9L 1S6
Ph: 905-985-9247
Fx: 905-985-9841