Monthly Archives: February 2019

post by wpcadmin | | Closed

HEALTH ALERT: Positive Case of Equine Infectious Anemia Confirmed in Alberta


An Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)-affected premises has been identified in the province of Alberta. Please note that the following information is in addition to what the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) already communicates to stakeholders which includes:

  • Notification to the relevant provincial veterinary service of any newly affected premises
  • Monthly Federally Reportable Disease updates on the CFIA website (10th of each month), which includes the number of affected premises as well as individual animal cases
  • Communications with the owners or persons directly involved in the case, as outlined in the current EIA program policy

On Feb. 6, 2019, a positive EIA result was confirmed by the CFIA’s national reference laboratory for a horse located on a premises in Red Deer County, AB. The horse had been sampled by the CFIA to comply with export conditions and no clinical signs of the disease were reported at the time of sampling.

A CFIA investigation is underway and as per program policy, a quarantine has been placed on the infected animal and its on-premises contact animals. Initial reports indicate that there are several equines on the premises. The quarantine will remain until all disease response activities have been completed, including follow-up testing and ordering the destruction of positive cases.

Trace-out activities may require the CFIA to undertake actions at additional premises as outlined in the current program policy.

More details on EIA may be found on the CFIA website.

EC Media Contact / Personne-ressource de CE pour les médias : Jessie Christie

post by Shawn King | | Closed

2020 Rule Change

Information on submitting rule change suggestions for the 2020 EC rules can be found on the Rules page of the Equestrian Canada website (Programs & Services > EC Rules);

The Online Rule Change Suggestion Portal is currently open and can be accessed from this page. The online portal is open from January 1st to May 31st. EC Sport Licence holders will need to use their MY-EC login credentials to access the online portal.

post by Shawn King | | Closed


Unit 3B, 119 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1S6
Phone:   (905) 985-9247  Fax:  (905) 985-9841

January 30, 2019

Dear Ontario Member


As you may be aware, the Annual General Meeting is being held on April 6th and with it, is the Nomination of Directors.  Each year, half of the Director’s two-year term of office ends.

Nomination Forms were included in the last issue of Welsh in Canada with a deadline date of January 22nd for the form to be returned.  At this time, Ontario is eligible to have five directors.  For the past two years, we have had only four Directors representing our members.

Nominations have been received for four individuals, so with the two remaining Directors, there must be an election to determine three people to fill the vacancies.  Along with a Ballot, an information page is included to guide you in the election process.

Please return your Ballot to the Society office by March 8th which is 30 days prior to the AGM.

Yours truly

The Board of Directors

post by Shawn King | | Closed

40th Anniversary

We are having our 40th Anniversary – We are looking for anyone who would like to write up info on your last 40 years with the Club and with breeding, raising, riding or driving your Welsh ponies or Cobs.

We will also be selling Hoodies and Golf Shirts for the occasion, if you would like to purchase one please get in contact with one of the directors or email the office.  Also, there will a special on the prints we have.  Photos of what is for sale and pricing to follow soon.